Ghost Rider counts as this given that Johnny Blaze (and other riders) had a normal human form and a Spirit of Vengeance form.
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(This was also how it worked in her TV series) Wonder Woman Vol 1: For a time Diana no longer had her powers when not "transformed" into Wonder Woman.Otherwise they were in the possession of a young boy who was psychically connected to the lynx. Prior to that, he went through a period in The '70s when he only had his powers while visualizing a lynx.For a brief period in The '90s, he had both an Electric Superman and Clark Kent form.Iron Man fully qualifies with the "Bleeding Edge" armor, which is stored within Tony Stark's body and called out mentally at need. And sometimes it has a compact form like the suitcase suit, though he does have to step in or pull it around him while it's partially formed. Sometimes it'll form itself around a bodysuit that goes beneath it. Basically, it depends on the version of the suit. The second Blue Beetle, Ted Kord, was never able to get the scarab to work for him, so he is not an example. Blue Beetle, especially the first (Dan Garrett used a mystical scarab to transform into a superhero) and the third (Jaime Rayes, who uses the same scarab, now revealed as an alien artifact, to turn into a power-armored superhero).He likewise had two teenage sidekicks, Young Marvelman/Miracleman and Kid Marvelman/Miracleman, who transformed by speaking their mentor's name. Miracleman (originally and still sometimes Marvelman - see MM's own page for the convoluted legal history) was a direct homage to Captain Marvel, created while the latter was in the middle of his twenty-year publishing hiatus, and transformed by speaking the word "Kimota" ("atomic" backwards, more or less).Most of those characters were retconned out with the New 52 reboot in 2011, but the current version of Billy Batson still says "Shazam" to transform from a normal boy into a superhero (albeit one with somewhat different powers). Later it was revealed that even the wizard Shazam himself was a former Henshin Hero thousands of years ago when he was Jebediah of Canaan, who transformed into The Champion by saying the magic word "Vlarem". Cap's supporting cast featured a lot of these, including Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., Hoppy the Marvel Bunny, and the Lieutenants Marvel, as well as a lot of Henshin Villains, like Black Adam, Ibac, and Sabbac. He's normally a powerless little boy (or early teen) named Billy Batson, but when he says "Shazam" (an acronym of the names of six mythological figures), he's transformed into a powerful Flying Brick. Older Than Television: Captain Marvel, who debuted decades before He-Man or the Japanese heroes, making him the Ur-Example of all transforming heroes.Magical Girls and Magical Girl Warriors are a subset of the Henshin Hero that are (usually) targeted toward the Shoujo demographic. Superpowered Alter Ego is when this trope meets Split Personality. and not to be confused with the Shapeshifting or Metamorphosis tropes). The name comes from the Japanese term for the trope, henshin (literally meaning "change body" but more practically translated as "transformation" or "metamorphosis". Bonus points if the change of clothing is the only outward difference, but nobody notices. This gives the trope some overlap with Clothes Make the Superman: many male Henshin Heroes wear power-armor of some kind, and their transformation allows them to don their armor almost instantly. The transformation is frequently accompanied by a costume change. These items are usually activated by a command phrase, triggering a Transformation Sequence. Henshin Heroes often have a special item which they use to change into their heroic form. In essence, the character's powers are all turned off while they are in their Secret Identity. A Henshin Hero has distinct normal and powered "forms," and needs to actively switch between the two.

The Henshin Hero is a variation or subtrope of the Superhero in which super-powered characters only have their special powers some of the time.